The one-week celebrations of NIT Trichy’s international  women’s day 2023

The one-week celebrations of NIT Trichy’s international  
women’s day 2023

The one-week celebrations of NIT Trichy’s international  
women’s day 2023 were inaugurated by the renowned gynecologist  
Dr.S.Chitra, the founder of Lalitha Nursing Home, Shyamala Nursing  
Home and Janani Fertility Centre who dedicated her life for helping  
those “would be parents” to have their dream fulfilled.

This year’s women’s day celebrations on campus are coordinated by the  
Women Cell of NIT Trichy chaired by Dr. S.Velmathi. She welcomed the  
audience that comprised faculty, staff, and students to the inaugural  
ceremony. Dr.G. Aghila the Director of NIT Trichy presided over the  
ceremony and her presidential address emphasized the importance of  
women being empowered through continuous, life-long learning thus  
realizing the motto of International Women’s Day 2023 which is  
innovation and technology to embrace equity.

Dr.S.Chitra inaugurated the week-long celebrations and delivered a  
lecture titled Women: Health and Well-being. In her session, she in  
detail discussed the importance of women placing themselves first and  
looking after their emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.  
She explained the reasons for women to immediately make alterations to  
their lifestyles and to be alert about the symptoms that the body  
gives them. She advised the womenfolk to be conscious about the  
importance of their wellness and underscored the necessity to carry  
out medical check-ups at regular intervals and close monitoring of  
physical changes. She underlined the importance of finding time to  
follow one’s passion and elaborated on how significant a role it plays  
in balancing the emotional wellness of women.

Dr. L. Saikala, a member of the Women Cell NITT delivered the vote of  
thanks. In the evening, a throwball match exclusively for women was  
conducted which saw enthusiastic participation from the faculty,  
staff, and students.
